Markets fell heavily yesterday after consistent gains earlier in the week, as Goldman Sachs (GS) posted a 13% drop to $160.7 on fraud charges brought by the Securities and Exchange Commission. The drop was the biggest one day fall in the stock's history. Technology stocks were also in the red with Google (GOOG) dropping $45 dollars or 7.5% to $550 on first quarter results.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average finished Friday down 125 points, or 1.1%, to 11,018. Despite the fall, the DOW showed its seventh week of gains. The S&P 500 Index fell 19.5 points, or 1.6%, to 1,192, below the key 1,200 technical level. The FTSE 100 index dropped 81 points, to 5,744.
The SEC, has accused Goldman Sachs and a London-based executive director, Fabrice Tourre, of failing to disclose information about a synthetic collateralized-debt obligation (CDO), related to subprime residential mortgage-backed securities. It also is said to have not disclosed the role that hedge fund Paulson & Co played in the portfolio-selection process and the fact that the fund was shorting the CDO. Investor's lost around $1 billion in the investment.
On the portfolio front it has been a relatively quiet week as I have trimmed long positions on the run up. Some shorts on the FTSE 100 and DOW placed yesterday morning could have been extraordinarily profitable following the Goldman news but were unfortunately not closed at the lows of the day. Its a waiting game for Contrarian Investor UK at the moment as I'm not rushing to commit extra funds into this market.
GW Pharma (GWP) - The portfolio's largest holding had a good end to the week with a 4.5% rise yesterday despite the market falls to finish at 114p. I am puzzled at what is driving this gain as the approval of the UK and Spanish national licences are not expected for Sativex for some weeks yet. May and June will be the months where the exciting news flow starts to come so its a question of watch and wait. Hopefully this will move up gradually over the next few weeks as the regulatory update in March hugely de-risked this share.
Nighthawk Energy (HAWK) - A short term trade was placed this week on news of a drilling update and director buys. Position closed at 29p.
Ithaca Energy (IAE ) - Following news from the appraisal well on the Stella field in the North Sea a position was initiated but not in the Contrarian Investor core portfolio as this will be a longer term story.
Contrarian Investor UK invests mainly in UK FTSE and AIM listed shares. Like famous contrarians, Warren Buffett and Anthony Bolton, he likes to take a different view to the crowd of investors. He prefers the short term, possibly speculative trade, to the long term hold and takes the view that it's about "buy and research" not "buy and hold"! This blog tracks Contrarian Investor UK's thoughts on the stockmarket and his portfolio's trades. Move against the herd with the Contrarian Investor UK!
Trades and observations from a British contrarian stock investor
This blog is not intended to give financial advice. Before investing, do your own research and consult your financial adviser if appropriate. The accuracy of any information included is not guaranteed and may be subject to conjecture or interpretation by Contrarian Investor. Therefore visitors should validate all facts using alternative sources where possible.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
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